Abu-Ghazaleh: ASREN to join perfSONAR network
As one of the main regional research and education networks, the Arab states Research and Education Network (ASREN), will join and deploy the perfSONAR network at both national and regional levels.
perfSONAR is a tool for end-to-end monitoring and troubleshooting of multi-domain network performance. perfSONAR provides network engineers with the ability to test and measure network performance, as well as to archive data in order to pinpoint and solve service problems that may span multiple networks and international boundaries. perfSONAR is currently deployed in over 1,700 locations around the world, and is extremely valuable when doing network troubleshooting. perfSONAR has been developed through an international collaboration led by Internet2, ESnet, Indiana University, and GÉANT.
In cooperation with Indiana University and in support of AfricaConenct2, EUMEDCONNECT3 and NEAAR projects, ASREN is holding a technical workshop during 15-18 April 2019 in Rabat Morocco. The workshop will be hosted by Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique et Technique (CNRST).
During the workshop, the Arab perfSONAR mesh will be implemented and Arab NREN representatives will be able to deploy its own perfSONAR node to be part of the regional mesh. This will enable ASREN and its member NRENs to monitor and troubleshoot network performance in multi-domain network.
Chairman of ASREN HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh said: ”We are proud at the Arab States Research and Education Network to join the perfSONAR network so that our engineers and network managers can do end-to-end monitoring and troubleshooting.