
Gaza’s Education Ministry ends current academic year for students in grades 1-11


Sunday, the Ministry of Education in the Gaza Strip decided to end the current academic year 2020-2021 for students of grades one through eleven.

Schools will hand out school certificates for the end of the current academic year and distribute them to students, while receiving textbooks from them June 3, 2021.

The Ministry will later announce the date of the start of the next academic year 2021-2022.

Thhey mentioned that the education was affected by the “barbaric Zionist aggression”, and the continuous bombing that accompanied it, which caused the death and injury of hundreds of citizens, most of them students, children and women.

This led to states of panic and shock, which negatively affected the psychological state of students, they said.

The Ministry added they will take the necessary measures to compensate students for what they missed regarding basic skills and knowledge.

The Ministry will follow up arranging high school exams in light of the exceptional circumstances that Gaza students have gone through during the current academic year.


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