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Growing calls for Ontario premier to resign amid coronavirus 3rd wave


The leader of the official opposition in Ontario, the largest Canadian province, Andrea Horwath, has called on Prime Minister Doug Ford to step down amid worsening COVID-19 third wave.

In a statement on Tuesday, Horwath said that Ford should resign, and he refused to listen to experts, and instead led to a brutal, horrifying and deadly third wave, adding that “people are losing their lives; people who would have otherwise made it through this. Ontario deserves so much better.”

Also Ontario Liberal Leader Steven Del Duca issued a press release calling for Ford’s resignation saying “Doug Ford is the worst premier in Ontario history at a time when leadership matters the most.”

Ontario tops the list of Canadian provinces in terms of the number of coronavirus cases, recording a total of 421,442 infections, along with 7,735 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic.

//Petra// WH

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