Is Cold Medicine Safe for Baby?
It’s heartbreaking to see your baby sniffling, stuffy, coughing and miserable when she has a cold. But those over-the-counter cough and cold medicines that can be helpful at relieving your symptoms are not only ineffective for your little one, they might also be quite harmful to her.
When can you give a child cough or cold medicine?
Over-the-counter cold and cough medicines are only approved by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) for use in children who are at least 4 years old, and then only with your pediatrician’s approval. Otherwise, the AAP recommends waiting until age 6 to give kids cold meds specifically designed for them (and again, never without your doctor’s okay).
Studies show that in babies and young toddlers, cold medicine at the drugstore is no more effective than a placebo at controlling their symptoms. Plus, with no clear dosing recommendations and a risk of toxicity, it can be dangerous.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the AAP have linked over-the-counter cough and cold medicines to emergency room visits and even fatalities in infants and young toddlers, especially when the meds contain the nasal decongestant pseudoephedrine.
Your best bet is to steer clear of all of them until your child is a bit older. And remember to never use cold and allergy medicine to help your little one sleep on car or plane trips (or anywhere else), tempting as it might be!
How common are colds in babies and toddlers?
It’simportant to remember that the common cold is even more common in very young children, thanks to their immature immune systems. In fact, according to the AAP, children get about eight to 10 colds in the first two years of life alone (and the average child gets six to eight colds annually), sometimes even more if they’re in day care or have older siblings bringing home bugs from school.
Colds are especially likely to make the rounds from September through April, when the windows are shut and you’re spending more time inside. Symptoms can last up to 14 days, and your baby can even get a brand new virus as an old one is ending (so no, that “endless cold” wasn’t your imagination).
Meanwhile, anyone who kisses baby’s cheeks and hands — or even picks up one of her recently touched toys — can also be infected. So if it seems like your family is sick all winter long, that’s probably why!
In the meantime, try not to worry too much (easier said than done, right?) and check in with your pediatrician just to make sure all is okay. And know that your baby will get over her cold in time.
What home remedies work for baby cold symptoms?
While there’s no known cure for the common cold, there are safe ways to soothe your baby’s symptoms. Put a cool-mist humidifier in her room to help her breathe rather than a hot-water vaporizer, which can cause burns or scalds at this age if your baby touches it or knocks it over.
And use that rubber suction bulb you got at the hospital or in the baby aisle at the pharmacy to clear clogged mucus out of her nose. If her nose is particularly stuffed, your doctor might suggest putting saline drops in each nostril before you use the bulb.
All that plus plenty of extra rest, fluids in the form of breast milk or formula, snuggles, and love will get both of you through the caught-a-cold blues!
When to call the doctor for baby’s cold
If your baby is under 3 months old and/or it’s her first cold, definitely consult your pediatrician. Also call right way if your baby is 0 to 2 months old and has a fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit. If her fever goes away and then returns later at 100.4 degrees F or higher, that warrants a call to the pediatrician too, as this could be a sign she’s developed a secondary infection.
As fevers climb to 101.5 degrees F and over in children 3 months to 3 years old, you should also contact the pediatrician. And in cases where a baby’s fever spikes after exposure to hot temperatures, such as overdressing or time spent in a hot car or in the sun, contact your doctor right away.
You can treat fevers in babies 2 months and older with acetaminophen and those over 6 months with ibuprofen. Just be sure to check with your practitioner before doing so and to get the proper dosing.
You should also get in touch with the pediatrician immediately if:
- Your child’s temperature goes up suddenly or a fever continues for more than two days.
- Baby’s dry cough is causing choking or difficulty breathing, is significantly interfering with her sleep, or lasts more than two weeks.
- Her nasal mucus is thick and greenish-yellow and lasts more than a day.
- Your baby is extremely sleepy, cranky, out of sorts, and has no interest in eating.