Jordan News

Cold air mass to bring rain, thunder today

Alshaheen News

The Kingdom will be affected on Wednesday by a cold air mass accompanied by a depression centered over Cyprus, according to the Jordan Meteorological Department (JMD).

During the day hours, the depression will bring a drop in temperatures and rain in the northern and central regions, later spreading to all parts of the Kingdom. The rain is expected to be heavy accompanied by lightning, thunder and hail with the likelihood of flooding in the valleys and low altitudes areas, the JMD forecast said.

The department warned of poor visibility due to fog formation, mainly in the highlands and the Badia areas, as well as slippery roads.

The Kingdom will still be under the effect of the depression on Thursday when temperatures will further drop, so cold and cloudy weather conditions will prevail nationwide, with heavy rainfall and chances of flooding in valleys and low altitudes areas with brisk winds.

Daytime temperatures expected for today will reach 22 degrees Celsius in Amman, and 17 in the northern cities and the southern highlands, dropping down at night to 14, 11 and 10C respectively. The weather will be warmer in the port city of Aqaba with highs reaching 28 degrees Celsius and lows standing at 20 degrees at night.

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