Zarqa assault perpetrators to be tried for terrorism
Alshaheen News
The Prosecutor of the State Security Court (SSC), Military Judge Maj. Yousef Khreisat, on Sunday charged a group of individuals, who brutally assaulted a 16-year-old boy in the eastern Zarqa governorate, with “jointly carrying out a terrorist act that endangers the safety and security of society and horrifying and endangering citizens’ lives with the use of a weapon”.
Two weeks ago, the defendants, all in police custody now, kidnapped the teen, amputated his forearms and gouged one of his eyes in an alleged revenge for a previous homicide. The crime drew wide public outrage and calls for applying the full force of the law against the culprits.
The case was referred to the SSC by the Grand Criminal Court since the serious charge in the indictment falls within the jurisdiction of the SSC.