Jordan News

Minister underscores cooperation with AHA on life support programs


 Minister of Health Firas Hawari on Sunday stressed the importance of cooperation with the American Heart Association (AHA) to implement the latest evidence-based, life-saving recommendations to decrease deaths related to heart diseases and strokes.

Remarks came during the minister’s meeting with AHA’s representative team in the Middle East.

According to a ministry statement, Hawari said some 1,200 people from health cadres across the Kingdom were trained in the past year on AHA’s Basic Life Support (BLS) course.

In addition to increasing the number of manikins and AHA trainers and adding an adult advanced life support program, Hawari said the ministry will establish training courses in north and south of Jordan to boost the number of trainees.

The AHA team commended efforts by the ministry’s Life Support Training Center to implement the latest and highest training standards to qualify cadres to deal with sudden cardiac arrest cases.

//Petra// AO

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