Unemployment rate hits 19.1 pct over the 3rd quarter 2019, says DoS
Jordan’s unemployment rate in the 3rd quarter of 2019 has reached 19.1 percent, up by 0.5% for the same period last year.
The unemployment rate among males in the aforementioned period reached 17.1% compared to 27.5% among females, the Department of Statistics (DoS) announced in a statement.
The unemployment rate among males rose by 0.8% points and among females by 0.4% points compared to the 3rd quarter 2018, the department said.
According to the department’s figures, the unemployment rate was high among university graduates (unemployed individuals with a bachelor’s degree and higher, divided by the workforce of the same educational qualification), reaching 25.2%, compared to other educational levels.
55.8% of the total jobless were General Secondary School Certificate (Tawjihi) holders and 44.2% of the total unemployed had less than secondary education, the DoS added.
The percentage of unemployed varied according to educational level and gender, where the highest unemployment rates were recorded in the age groups 15-19 years and 20-24 years, with 29.9% and 38.8% respectively.
At the governorate level, the highest unemployment rate was recorded in Madaba governorate by 23.9% and the lowest unemployment rate in Karak that was 14.5%.