Jordan News

KOICA, Alumni Association in Jordan (KAAJ) Holds an Event for Sports and Health Awareness for Orphaned Children]


On August 28, the KOICA Alumni Association of Jordan (KAAJ) organized an activity for 20 children from the Baqaa Orphanage Center for Boys, in cooperation with Quick Sand Gym. This event, titled “Sports and Health Awareness Day for Orphaned Children,” aimed to emphasize the importance of physical fitness, nutrition, and overall health.

The day started with engaging sports exercises and competitions led by professional coaches, Mr. Faisal Shuqom and Ms. Kholoud Atieh. This was followed by an informative health lecture on proper nutrition by Ms. Lubna. After enjoying a healthy snack, the children participated in a self-defense class with Coach Haydar Rasheed. The event concluded with a group photo, and a lunch gathering.

The “Sports and Health Awareness Day” includes two phases; the second phase is scheduled on October 8, 2024, and will be conducted in collaboration with KOICA’s World Friends Korea (WFK) volunteers.

Founded in 2008, the KOICA Alumni Association of Jordan (KAAJ) serves as an alumni platform for over 1,102 participants of KOICA training programs, aiming to sustain and strengthen the cooperative relationship between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Republic of Korea. Since 1991, KOICA has provided training to Jordanian officials through the Capacity Improvement and Advancement for Tomorrow (CIAT) program, which focuses on enhancing human resource capacity for the country’s socio-economic development.

The association has organized numerous philanthropic activities with the aim of local development in Jordan in cooperation with KOICA Jordan office.

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