Military conscription relaunched in Jordan
Alshaheen News
Military conscription has been officially reintroduced in its new form, announced Jordan’s Prime Minister, Omar al-Razzaz on Wednesday.
The launch was in partnership with “the Jordanian Armed Forces – the Arab Army, the School of Patriotism and Discipline,” he added.
The announcement was made during the signing ceremony of a memorandum of understanding regarding the reactivation of the military service between the Ministry of Labour and the Jordanian Armed Forces.
“Our youth and human resources are our most valuable assets, and we cannot stand by idly as unemployment rates increase, which is a global phenomenon that is worsening in light of the continuing coronavirus crisis,” said Razzaz.
King Abdullah ll has given orders to prioritize youth empowerment through programs and projects that will enhance their role, refine their skills, provide them with the necessary experiences and competencies to enter the workforce, and instil commitment and discipline values in them, he said.
The new conscription includes training in the armed forces camps in a way that contributes to the consolidation of national identity among youth and reinforces the culture of discipline and commitment, he added.
“There will be programs that focuses on acquiring professional, technical and digital skills in the workplace at a later stage, which is implemented by the Ministry of Labour and sectoral ministries in partnership with the private sector.
Their performance at the workplace will supervised by our brave armed forces and public security.”