Jordan News

Industry, Trade Ministry: Over 750 defence order violations recorded in a week


 The Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply and bodies overseeing commitment to Defense Order No. 20 recorded 232 violations of preventive and safety health measures by commercial stores and 525 by individuals in one week.

The ministry’s teams carried out about 16,500 tours of establishments during which 77 supermarkets, vegetable and grocery stores, 38 tourist and popular restaurants, 37 electrical appliances stores and a money exchange shop, 33 coffee shops in addition to 41 other violations by factories, workshops, nurseries, poultry and other shops were found to have flouted the health safety regulations, it said in a press release.

The ministry stressed that regulatory authorities continued a crackdown across the Kingdom to ensure adherence to safety and preventive health requirements.

According to Ministry data, teams enforcing the order made 267,000 visits to establishments in the various sectors since defence order 20 was issued until February 27, and found 41,000 in violation, and that 6,600 people were also fined for flouting the defence orders.


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