Jordan News

Relatively hot weather forecast in highlands, scorching in other regions


 Relatively hot weather is expected to prevail on Wednesday in the highlands as temperatures will rise few degrees above seasonal average, reaching a high of 35 degrees Celsius in the Capital, Amman, during daytime, according to the Jordan Meteorological Department (JMD).

In the late afternoon and evening hours, cooler weather is forecast as mercury levels slide to around 20, the JMD said.

The Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea and the gulf city of Aqaba are set to swelter in scorching weather with temperatures surpassing the threshold of 40C, the department predicted.

Mercury levels will slightly drop on Thursday, with relatively hot weather prevailing in the heights and the plains, while it will be hot in other regions. Winds will be northwesterly moderate to brisk, the JMD noted.

On Friday, temperatures will rise again, bringing scorching weather in the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea and Aqaba, while it will remain relatively hot in the highlands and the plains, the meteorologists further added.

//Petra// WH

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