Jordan’s trade balance deficit with EU up by 6.5%
Jordan’s trade balance deficit with countries of the European Union (EU) went up by 6.5 percent during the first quarter of 2022, to reach nearly JD619 million, compared with JD581 million during the same period of 2021, the Department of Statistics (DoS) said on Tuesday.
A DoS report indicated that the volume of national exports to EU countries during the January-March period of 2022 totaled JD63 million, marking a 44.2 percent increase, in comparison with JD44 million during the same period of 2021.
The department revealed that imports from EU countries also increased by 9.1 percent, reaching JD682 million, compared with JD625 million during the same period of comparison.
Data showed that Holland was the top importer of Jordanian products, with a value of JD12 million, while Germany was the EU’s largest exporter to Jordan with a value of JD146 million during the first three months of the year.
//Petra// RZ