Jordan News

JHCO, KSRelief conclude second phase of winter clothing project


The Jordan Hashemite Charity Organisation (JHCO) and the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSRelief) on Monday wrapped up the second phase of a winter clothes distribution project.

The project, which was launched in coordination with the National Aid Fund, local associations and the Palestinian Affairs Department, targeted 31,911 needy Jordanian families and Syrian and Palestinian refugees in 11 governorates.

“This year’s winter season is the coldest since 2008, but thanks to KSRelief support, as our partner, we were able to benefit 159,555 people in most governorates to mitigate the effects of winter on people in need across the Kingdom”, said JHCO Secretary General Hussein AlShebli.

KSRelief – Jordan Office Director, Saud Alhuzaim, stressed the importance of the relief project to meet the basic needs of underprivileged families and refugees in Jordan, adding that the centre is continuously supporting such people through relief projects and according to set plans.


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