Jordan News

The Goethe-Institut virtually holds the closing event of the project

Within the Entrepreneurship in School Practices Project in Jordan

The Goethe-Institut virtually holds the closing event of the project


– The Goethe-Institut Jordanien concludes its activities within the framework of its project funded by the the German Federal Foreign Office “Entrepreneurship in School Practices in Jordan” with a virtual event held online on Monday 20th of December 2021, where representatives from the main partner in Germany, the Institute for Economic Education (IÖB)- Oldnburg, participated and members from the partners in Jordan, Queen Rania Teacher Academy, and principles from the partner schools in the project (Al Assriya School, Islamic Educational College, Jubilee School, The Ahliyyah School for Girls and Bishop’s School Amman for Boys, Al-Saadah College Schools). The trainers and teachers from both genders who were qualified during the three years of the project participated in the event along with a number of their students that benefitted from the knowledge gained by their teachers and developed their ideas into entrepreneurial projects that they presented during the event and also talked about the knowledge and skills they gained out of entrepreneurship.

“We are pleased to see all the participating categories in this event, to hear from them about their experiences, and to learn about the great impact that resulted from participating in this project. This motivates us to move forward to be able to implement such sustainable impact projects that play a major role in enriching knowledge in topics and areas that serve the individual and the society.” said Laura Hartz, the Director of the Goethe-Institute Jordanien.

Dr. Michael Koch, Deputy Scientific Director and Managing Director at the Institute for Economic Education (IÖB)- Oldenburg-Germany, said in his speech that this project wasn’t just about transferring knowledge and experiences from Germany to Jordan but was considered an exchange of knowledge and experiences between both parties, as participants from Jordan have contributed to this wonderful result with their experience in teaching and their deep knowledge in many related topics.

And from his side, Mr. Abdelmajeed Shamlawi, Executive Director of Strategic Affairs at Queen Rania Teacher Academy-Amman – Jordan, spoke about the joint work with the German partner, and the steps and discussions through which training materials for trainers and teachers were prepared over the three years of the project and working on them to match the standards and environment in Jordan.

The principles and representatives from the schools partnering in the project spoke during the event about the great benefit that the teachers and students gained from participating in this project and how it positively reflected on their schools, as they will constantly support such projects and are keen to encourage students in the field of entrepreneurship through including such knowledge in classroom lessons and work on and support the pioneering projects.

All the participants in the event did not consider this event to be the end of the project, but rather the beginning of their projects in the field of entrepreneurship and expressed their desire to continue working in their institutions and schools, either individually or in cooperation with the project partners.

It is worth mentioning that the year 2021 is the last year of the “Entrepreneurship in School Practices in Jordan” project that started back in 2019, and was implemented by the Goethe-Institut Jordanien and funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.


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