Jordan News

Fair weather forecast today, unstable conditions tomorrow


Fair weather conditions are expected to prevail countrywide on Monday as temperatures slightly rise, with clouds at medium and high altitudes and southeasterly moderate winds, the Jordan Meteorology Department (JMD) said.

Similar weather will persist on Tuesday morning, but as we head into evening hours, a slight drop in mercury levels is expected with unstable weather conditions affecting the Kingdom and causing rainfall in the northern regions.

On Wednesday, temperatures will significantly drop bringing cold and partly cloudy weather conditions, with scattered showers in the eastern and southern parts of the country, the JMD added.

The highs in Amman and other highlands across Jordan today will range between 22 and 19 degrees Celsius, dropping at night to 9C or even 7C in the southern highlands. In the Gulf city of Aqaba, it will be warmer with mercury reaching a high of 26C and a low of 17C.

//Petra// RZ

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