Jordan News

Warm weather forecast for two days


 Temperatures on Monday are forecast to be 6-8 degrees above annual average, bringing warm weather conditions countrywide, with clouds at high altitudes and southeasterly moderate winds, according to the Jordan Meteorological Department (JMD).

On Tuesday, similar weather conditions will persist at day time. Toward night, clouds will gradually build up at various altitudes, making a chance for light showers over some parts of the central and northern regions. Winds will be southwesterly active; blowing dust in the Badia, the JMD noted.

As we head into Wednesday, the Kingdom will be affected by a cold air mass accompanied by a depression centered over Turkey. Mercury levels will significantly drop, bringing relatively cold weather with rainfall in the northern, central and southwestern regions.

The highs in Amman and other highlands across the Kingdom today will range between 26 and 25 degrees Celsius, dropping at night to 12C or even 10C in the southern highlands. In the Gulf city of Aqaba, it will be warmer with mercury reaching a high of 31C and a low of 18C.

//Petra// RZ

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