Jordan News

PM meets health professionals

الشاهين نيوز

Amman, Aug. 9 (Petra)– Prime Minister Omar Razzaz, on Thursday, said his government is setting up a program that aims at uplifting health sector within a comprehensive vision, which included in the Royal Letter of Designation.

Razzaz made his remarks during his meeting with heads of health professionals, stressing his government’s desire to enable this key sector to overcome its challenges.

All accepted dentists and doctors in the current session will be part of the residency program, before the September the seventh, Razzaz said.

Priority in employment will be given to 2012-2013 graduates whose appointments were delayed due to the lack of vacancies in their areas, Razzaz added.

Commenting on incentives issue, Razzaz said it will be linked with the employees performance, where a new incentives system will be applied in the 2019 general budget.

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