JFDA renews, expands laboratory tests accreditation
The Jordan Food and Drug Administration (JFDA) has renewed and expanded the accreditation of its laboratory tests, JFDA General Director Nizar Muhaidat revealed Tuesday.
In a statement, Muhaidat said that the laboratory tests approved at the Food Laboratory Department has been expanded, in accordance with International Standard 17025:2017, to include 31 approved chemical, physical, microbial and pesticide residues laboratory tests under Certificate No. (JAS-Test-056).
“The accreditation for pharmaceutical products laboratory tests was renewed for an additional five years, and expanded to include new 15 laboratory tests,” he added.
Muhaidat pointed to the Administration’s efforts to build a laboratory quality system in line with the requirements of the international standard ISO 17025:2017, to ensure food safety and drug efficacy.
//Petra// RZ