Tender for transporting Iraqi oil awarded
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources on Tuesday announced awarding a tender for transporting Iraqi crude oil to Zarqa Governorate to the Burj Al Hayat Transport and Trading Co., for offering the most economically advantageous offer.
Under the tender, which comes in implementation of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed between Jordan and Iraq for importing crude oil, the company will be responsible for transporting 10,000 barrels of crude oil per day from Iraq’s Baiji oil refinery to Jordan’s Petroleum Refinery Company in Zarqa, covering 7 percent of the Kingdom’s daily demand with a discount of $16 from the price of Brent crude per barrel.
“The door-to-door shipping process begins in the coming two weeks, with 50 percent of daily imports transported via Iraqi petrol tanks along with the Jordanian tanks,” according to a statement by the ministry.
//Petra// RZ