Jordan News

Cabinet okays measures for illegal foreign workers’ status correction


The Cabinet on Wednesday approved a set of measures aimed at correcting the status of illegal non-Jordanian workers and addressing imbalances in the Jordanian labor market, according to a prime ministry statement.

The statement indicated Minister of Labor Yousef Shamali told a Cabinet meeting that the measures aim to mitigate financial costs incurred by employers and encourage them to correct the status of their illegal foreign workers, noting that the move is necessitated by the fact that many businesses were unable to renew or seek to issue work permits for their non-Jordanian personnel as a result of Covid-forced closures.

According to Shamali, the status-correction window for non-Jordanian workers from restricted and non-restricted nationalities will start July 4th through September 2nd this year, during which a set of permit fee and fine exemptions will be provided to employers and workers.

//Petra// AA

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