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Crown Prince inaugurates 246-bed Maan Field Hospital for COVID-19 patients


His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II on Wednesday inaugurated the Ministry of Health’s Maan Field Hospital for COVID-19 patients

Crown Prince Al Hussein toured the field hospital, which was built in 26 days, has the capacity of 246 beds including 48 intensive care unit beds and covers an area of 4,400 square metres on the grounds of the Maan Public Hospital

His Royal Highness was briefed by Health Minister Nathir Obeidat, who said the field hospital serves the southern region and is equipped with a team of 570 personnel

The Maan Field Hospital is the fourth COVID-19 hospital to be opened, after His Majesty King Abdullah recently inaugurated two military field hospitals in Zarqa and Irbid, and a public field hospital in Amman

//Petra// AF

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