Jordan News

Cold weather forecast today, rise in temps over weekend


 Relatively cold and partly cloudy weather conditions are forecast on Thursday, with a chance for scattered showers in some parts of the western regions, and northwesterly moderate winds, According to the Jordan Meteorological Department (JMD).

The department warned of slippery roads in the areas experiencing rain, and of poor visibility in the highlands due to fog formation.

On Friday and Saturday, mercury levels will rise few degrees, but relatively cold weather will remain in most parts of the country, except in the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea and Aqaba where it will be moderate, with southeasterly winds, the department noted.

The highs in Amman and other highlands across the Kingdom today will range between 16 and 14 degrees Celsius, dropping at night to 8C or even 4C in the northern highlands. In the Gulf city of Aqaba, it will be warmer with mercury reaching a high of 26C and a low of 14C.

//Petra// RZ

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