الشاهين نيوز
الكثيرون في العادة بتناول الجزر للحفاظ على صحة العيون وتقوية حاسة
البصر، لكن الخبراء يوصون بغذاء آخر قلما يخطر ببالنا ويقولون إنه يعود
بنفع أكبر على النظر.
وحسبما نقلت الصحيفة الطبية “جورنال كلينيكال نيوترشن”، فإن تناول البيض يقي الإنسان مرض التنكس البقعي الذي يداهم العين مع التقدم في العمر، وقد يؤدي به إلى فقدان البصر.
وواكب باحثون أستراليون 3654 شخصا على مدى 15 عاما، وأظهرت النتائج أن من كانوا يتناولون من بيضة إلى 3 بيضات خلال الأسبوع، كانوا أقل عرضة للإصابة بمرض التنكس البقعي، بنسبة 49 بالمئة مقارنة بمن يأكلون أقل من بيضة في الأسبوع.
ويحتوي البيض على مواد مهمة تؤثر بشكل كبير على صحة العين، وتحد من تفاقم التنكس البقعي مثل فيتامين اللوتين ومادة الزياكسانثين.
ويضم البيض فيتامينات أخرى مثل “د” و”ب6″ و”ب12″، إضافة إلى عدد من المعادن والبروتينات.
ويحذر البعض من البيض بالنظر إلى احتوائه على نسبة عالية من الكوليسترول، لكن الخبراء يقولون إنه لا يضر إذا جرى تناوله بكمية معتدلة.
Cisco 200-105 Practice Test : Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 2 (ICND2 v3.0)
When she was first introduced by Chen Yilong, Xiao Qinzi dined and dances in this kind of Cisco 200-105 Practice Test suite. Careless planted flowers, bar on its own flowering.Unmotivated willow shade, eyes closed. This 200-105 Practice Test is the best and most pure time of my Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 2 (ICND2 v3.0) life.Qinqin also with the clouds Cisco 200-105 Practice Test drowned a lot, and soon fell into the world of dust, asked a vulgar low level questions, Cisco 200-105 Practice Test you suddenly did not think of me He was interfered with by her soft spoken words, radiated by the rare shy crimson face, almost deviating from the rational 200-105 Practice Test space time orbit. So, I do not want to involve anyone, ICND2 200-105 including you, Ocarina.Xiao Qin face flushed, bowed his head, silent silence. She remembered a song called Xiaofang singing the whole of China.Her younger brother once violently attacked her.
Alice, don Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 2 (ICND2 v3.0) t say it, stop. I owe you an apology. I took some classic Cisco 200-105 Practice Test shots Zoe vomited on 200-105 Practice Test the car door, the lily style skirt fluttered around ICND2 200-105 Zoe climbed into the back seat, barefoot, wet hair stuck on the back neck on the way home, Zoe The head is pulled on the backrest and the mouth is wide. You can not answer any questions. Ye Green looked at the bustling crowd, when the red Cisco 200-105 Practice Test light was on, the younger brother took her hand, and she barely smiled at her brother, and 200-105 Practice Test the younger brother Cisco 200-105 Practice Test took her through the road. Sitting down, they are talking about whether I should apply for nursing undergraduate.
Investing in finance, stock trading, and speculating futures also make Cisco 200-105 Practice Test big money. How can this Wu Zhou, who is sleepless and unconscious, be her elder brother who Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 2 (ICND2 v3.0) 200-105 Practice Test is so romantic and Cisco 200-105 Practice Test unrestrained Before she saw him, she heard that Wu s brother was eight Cisco 200-105 Practice Test years old and she was ICND2 200-105 a horse. Cisco 200-105 Practice Test After a pause, she said I feel ICND2 200-105 Practice Test a woman, regardless of how the money of her man is earned. I stay in my mouth for a while and have a good aftertaste. Haikou, where are so many rich people Li Wei s hand clenched my hand. Yang total The two men cried. Axiang returned to God and quickly left.